Saturday, April 18

CR-Ex: 4.3


1.) There are over 6 billion people on planet Earth today. That number will grow by as much as half say experts in the field of global population. And despite all of the war, death and Infant Mortality Rates lowering around the world, we still can’t seem to reduce the population pattern. So that means over 9 BILLION people would inhabit this planet; don’t you think we already have enough economic troubles, crime, disagreement and just plain unbalance in the world? Wouldn’t it be great to have less people to think about, without doing by means of holocaust, degradation and division? Could we not all agree that living in a more balanced and peaceful place would be a good thing. What needs to happen is nationwide cooperation in finding what or who is most at fault, and then, without war, resolve the issue. Some people say that we need more people in the USA because it will give us a better chance at bringing up the next genius or great inventor. The truth is that overpopulation leads to nothing more than warring countries and with each person added to the population, it means fewer resources for the rest of us.

2.) Imagine this is your life…There are policies in act in the world that force people to limit themselves to only one child, and your country is a part of it. You must attain a license for the second and if you get pregnant with a third, forced abortion and killing of the child is required no matter how far along that child is. After that, sterilization of one or both parents is performed—willingly or unwillingly. All of this because the government says there are just too many people in their country and around the world. How would you like it if this was your daily reality? Constantly feed by fear and humiliation. This is the reality in China, and although something like this probably will never happen in America, there is a chance that some form of population restriction, enforced by the government, may be required if we don’t face the crisis now and wait until it is too late.

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