Monday, March 2

CR-Ex:1.7 (research proposal)

"Research Proposal"

1.) Focus Question: Does the Government have the right to introduce methods for reducing population or population control?

2.) Primary Purpose: Explore

a.) What are some other country's government polices?

b.) Could people be expected to control themselves by being asked by the gov, not forced?

c.) Will people have to be forced without cooperation?

d.) Is this even a topic for this US government's and our lifetime?

e.) How will the people react if population control techniques are installed in the near future?

f.) How does the Constitution relate to population control? Does the Constitution counteract

it in any way?

g.) Is the current administration worried about this topic at all? Is any one person (senator, cousel member, governor, etc.) concerned about this topic?

h.) Has any administration been worried about overpopulation in the past 50 years? What were their fears/concerns?

i.) What techniques are there that the government can use for population control?

j.) Do other government agencies (FBI, CIA, etc.) have a greater concern than the current administration?

k.) What about church and state conflict?

3.) Prior Beliefs: I have always believed that overpopulation was a problem, not really in the US but in the world generally. I really wonder why more goverment action hasn't been initiated in other nations. I tend to believe it is because of religion and like here in america, the "freedom" to do whatever you want in your personal life. I have been interested in this topic for some time and it seems to be a political thing--some ppl want you to believe the world is overpopulated and coming to an end and others don't think that there's any real problem. Like I said, I think it's all very political and I'd like to be able to get to the meat of it; is it or isn't it?? I'm not 100% sold on the idea, because like others have told me "there seems to be so much space" and "ppl should be allowed to do what they want with their life". These seem to be logical statements, but I'm not sure...what's why I have wanted to research this topic for so long. I just assume that other countries are overpopulated because that's what I hear. It's not because of something I saw or delved into myself. Other than that I'm pretty much starting from scratch except that I know I want my main focus to be on the governments involvement on an issue like this. Government is another thing that fascinates me, so I shouldn't be bored...
I guess the only life experiences I have had are seeing ppl here in america with 8-12 kids trailing behind them, all the while thinking "That is sooo wrong!" Or ppl that just talk of having 10 kids w/o regard to what it might do to the world around them. I know it's only a couple of kids, but each human in the US eats up so much energy that I think there needs to be some self restrain. Also, ppl that have kids they dont want... that has never made sense in my mind. All these adoption agencies with who-knows-how-many kids--it ridiculous and uncalled for to me. I'm just not like that. So if for no other reason I'm writing this paper in homage to my beliefs.

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